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Caught Up, The hottest new must-read enemies-to-lovers sports romance in the Windy City Series, following the TikTok sensation, MILE HIGH
Hodder and Stoughton
Date de publication

Caught Up

The hottest new must-read enemies-to-lovers sports romance in the Windy City Series, following the TikTok sensation, MILE HIGH

Hodder and Stoughton


I'm a single dad and starting pitcher for Chicago's MLB team. I'm stretched
too thin, but I don't want help raising my son. Each of his previous nannies
only lasted a few weeks before I let them go. Now, my coach is putting his
foot down by hiring the one person I can't fire-his daughter.

Miller Montgomery is the last woman I should fall for. Too wild, too young,
and too unattached. But now summer feels too short...


With only two months to get back on track as a high-end pastry chef, I should
be focusing in the kitchen, but instead, I let my dad talk me into using my
time off to nanny for his star player's kid. But when Kai Rhodes and his son
start to feel like home, I have to remind us both that my time in Chicago ends
with the summer.

Besides, I've always been a runner, and the last thing I want is to get
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